Lawn Care with Dogs: What to Know

There might only be a single-letter difference between pets and pests, but you probably think of each quite differently. Unfortunately, if you have a dog, he or she can damage the grass as extensively as insects or rodents. Dog lovers shouldn’t have to choose between their lawn and their furry companions, and with the right […]

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Garage Organization Ideas for Lawn Care Tools

  As the weather gets colder, we begin to shift our attention away from the lawn and towards our home interiors. When you can’t feel your toes, there’s simply no reason to spend very much time in your yard. In fact, your best option is to stay off the grass during the winter. Walking on […]

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How Worms in Soil Affect Your Lawn

For such simple organisms, worms tend to generate a wide range of reactions from lawn care aficionados. Nobody denies that worms can be beneficial for a lawn – the real question is, at what point do they become too much of a good thing? If you go to a home improvement store, you won’t see […]

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Top Five Lawn Care Myths

If you’ve tried every trick in the book for lawn care, chances are you’ve run into a few myths along the way. It’s impossible to know when and where lawn myths originated, but like weeds, they sometimes spread out of control. If you want a healthy lawn, it’s important to know fact from fiction. We’re […]

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Shaping a Lawn to Meet Your Needs

Your lawn is one of the most versatile parts of your property. Whether you want to have a picnic, play sports, do some gardening or just enjoy the outdoors, a lawn is your pasture to cherish. How you spend time on your lawn depends on many factors, including its shape. You may be limited by your […]

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Adding Value to a Property with Lawn Care

You might not be ready to sell your home, but a picture perfect lawn makes buyers wish it were on the market. While bay windows, brick siding and a four-season porch are must-haves for some, a healthy lawn is a must for nearly everyone. Think about it, would the White House be as gorgeous without […]

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Spring Lawn Care Tips

Lawn Care Tips for Spring in Minnesota As we come out of yet another Upper Midwest winter and start to look to spring, preparing a game plan before the season is in full swing will set your outdoor space up for success. Even if it’s too early to mow, you shouldn’t stay inside and hope […]

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The Unexpected Benefits of Snow Removal Services

We all knew it would arrive eventually… the beautiful inconvenience known as snow. When you’re inside a warm and cozy home, snow doesn’t seem so bad. After all, it covers dormant lawns and bare trees. Don’t be fooled. Snow is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You have to leave the home eventually, and when you […]

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How to Become A Dandelion Tamer in 5 Easy Steps

The king of the jungle is the lion, so it only seems logical that the dandelion is the weed king of the lawn. Don’t be intimidated by their size or their ambition to conquer your yard. Dandelions – while persistent – can be controlled, even without chemicals. Here are a few ways to become a […]

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